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The Reader’s Digest Platform

As an imprint of Reader's Digest, LifeRich Publishing offers our authors unique access to a wide audience of people who are excited about reading, learning and growing. Reader’s Digest and its sister publications’ communities are made up of a growing variety of passionate people who might be interested in your book.

As a LifeRich Publishing author, you will have access to unique marketing and promotional opportunities through Reader’s Digest.

  • Advertising: You can choose to advertise your book with any of our publications. Whether you want to see your book’s advertisement on a page of Reader’s Digest magazine or you’d love to reach Taste of Home print subscribers, LifeRich can help you reach out to your audience through print. 
  • Reader’s Digest Store: In addition to inclusion in the LifeRich bookstore and distribution to big-name online retailers including Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com, your book can also be made available for sale on ReadersDigestStore.com. From these popular online stores, readers can purchase print and digital copies of your title.

Up Next: Author Education

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