For the believers, the commons and any other, especially those who don't have the luxury of monitoring the fast-moving 24/7 news cycle, this book is a simplified, precise brief of the central on goings in the political arena under the tenure of President Trump, the man who single-handedly shapes and drives the news as well as the reactions to it. His first term as President comes to an end in November 2020 but the nation must vote to either retain him or have someone else take over. With this book handy, citizens can access all they need to know that would help them assess their needs for tomorrow and the future at large and make the right choice as to who they believe could better manage the country following the election and the state of mind he needs to be continuing. It is an individual decision that cannot be carelessly made. For the sake of not just our own future but also that of the generations following, we owe life in totality the best decision ever. Facts, common sense and wisdom will be good accessories to this effect.
The atmosphere is filled with contradictions between what we see and hear. Since Trump came to power in America, a lot of things have changed for the better resulting into better economy and a God friendly and peaceful community of living. But on the airwaves the opposition has a field day flooding the earth with unmatched reports of his performance to a point where it becomes essential to ask: how could a man outperforming history be so smeared and barraged with hostilities of never- seen proportions? It could only be that his avowed detractors, a cartel of the Democrats and Mainline Press are either blind to what is plainly available for all others to see or are just intentionally evil toward Trump, who God had approved as the head of a specially loved nation, America, for a season like this.
The book ‘Why do the Heathen rage?’ proceeds to highlight the God factor in Trump and his good works on one hand and on the other expose the hatred and evil acts of the opposition. The intent is for the opposition to reconsider their negativities, repent and possibly switch allegiance while the supporters stand resolute, tall and strong and well postured to return the President into the White House come November 2020.
The book satirically drawing inspiration from Psalm 2 scripted by David the anointed, convinces us of God's unflinching support for America especially in the era of Trump his chosen man; the main reason why we all must work toward retaining the man for another term, that following the demise of Coronavirus, peace and prosperity unparalleled will continue to pervade the land. With Trump’s coziness with God, America remains the best; a country most desired and sought on earth.
*When politicians get caught up in their usual games, become complacent in their calls, they begin to take the electorate for granted. Because of the power and grace of incumbency, they extend their seating almost unchallenged. Pockets of challenges are easily quelled and these forever electees get swollen headed and ultimately redundant. This typifies politics before the advent of Donald Trump.
But chorus it with me loudly: “Evil has an expiry date!” In the divine arena, every systemic evil has a tag of expiration to which the perpetrators are often oblivious but never escapes the attention of God who has the control of all that transpires in the affairs of man.
* Trump was miraculously enthroned. He was ‘one-man’ sponsored. Opinions of many - polls, failed. Go and search the nitty-gritty of a phenomenon called miracle- it is always miraculous because of its ability to beat the imagination of man. That typifies the ascension of Trump. No wonder many go crazy when in conflict with Trump. It is unreal; it is absurd! They bemoan.
*If you are looking for a bishop, Donald Trump is not pretending to be one. Be it known that running America is not akin to manning a diocese and so God was not looking for a bishop. Had that been his mind, he had at his disposal more than enough overseers, bishops and cardinals. Instead, God needed a nation to be run with care for his people and the defense of the land. He needed evil to be confronted in the contemporaries. He desired to rule theocratically in democracy. He appointed a lay-man who would go to war against ungodliness that had infiltrated our establishment and hunt down the hyenas in our polity. You need an insider crazy-man to checkmate the crazy man inbound. Trump was the choice to deal with certain issues that are spelt by God, on whose trust America is hinged. By divine standards, the man is passing.
*Trump has done in these three plus years things impossible to forget. His undying pulse is lodged in the consciousness of the citizenry. He has been a force that changed polity forever not only in America but world over. He had escaped the inescapable brought by the most deadly cartel of foes that ever existed in the history of the American presidency. It is indelibly scripted in the line of humanity: A man can never be God; to be weak is flesh and to err is human.
So, leave Trump alone and let him be. Let him do his best in this very term.
*The common denominator for all humans is a good life. God showed us the way when on the sixth day of creation he put the man to be in charge of the good stuff-filled earth prepared the five days prior. Therefore, it is normal for a man, regardless of diversification to yearn for it. In the present age, key to the good life is money, which is a tool to have needs met; security, which provides peace of mind knowing that our families and investments are safe and hope, which grants us the confidence for a minimum of a great tomorrow, gracefully culminating in eternal life guaranteed for us by our Maker, God through Christ Jesus. Any dispensation and the set man that make this available for humanity are to be most cherished and preserved. This might be the biggest, most persuasive reason why there is practically no alternative to Donald Trump for a time like this in America.