Pricing & Royalty

How does LifeRich Publishing calculate royalty payments?

Your royalty rate calculations are based on the date you signed your author agreement.

Author agreements signed on or after July 17, 2014

Royalties are based on the net payments we actually receive from the sale of printed or electronic (e-book) copies of your book, minus any shipping and handling charges or sales and use taxes. Since retail and wholesale customers purchase on a discount, the royalty amount you receive depends on what type of customer bought your book, the channel through which they purchased, and any discount they received. Royalty percentages for printed, electronic (e-book), or audio copies are as follows:

  • 25 percent of the retail price for sales of printed copies or audiobook copies directly through the LifeRich Publishing website bookstore.
  • 10 percent of the retail price for sales of printed copies or audiobook copies through one of our distribution channels, such as Amazon.*
  • 50 percent of digital net received for each e-book copy sold.

Please be aware that the largest retailers, including Barnes & Noble, place orders for print copies of LifeRich Publishing titles through Ingram, so those orders will appear as wholesale sales on your royalty statement.

Minimum Threshold for Payments

If your quarterly determination of royalties in any calendar year exceeds seventy-five ($75) dollars, the payment shall be issued according to the quarterly payment schedule. If the quarterly royalties due are equal to or less than seventy-five ($75) dollars, the quarterly royalty amount will be carried forward and added to the subsequent quarterly royalty amount due. Until cumulative author royalties exceed seventy-five ($75) dollars, each quarterly author royalties will be carried forward and added to the cumulative author royalties. Cumulative author royalties at the end of a calendar year will be issued by February 28.

* Please note: The 25 percent royalty rate only applies to consumer orders placed with LifeRich Publishing. A retail order placed with LifeRich Publishing qualifies for the 10 percent royalty.

Author agreements signed prior to July 17, 2014

Royalties are based on the net payments we actually receive from the sale of printed or electronic (e-book) copies of your book, minus any shipping and handling charges or sales and use taxes. Since retail and wholesale customers purchase at a discount, the royalty amount you receive depends on what types of customer bought your book, the channel through which they purchased, and any discount they received.

You should be aware that the largest retailers, including Barnes & Noble and Amazon, place orders for LifeRich Publishing titles through Ingram; those orders will appear as wholesale sales on your royalty statement.